Labels:text | screenshot OCR: History - the DETAILED 26 historical highlights ILLUSTRAITED with extra notes and pictures History Timeline Personalities - 110 PERSONS in 7 categories with RICGRAPHIES, RARE archive PHOTOS, samples of PAINTINGS and other ART WORKS, translations of VERSES, VIDEO footages and AUDIO samples Traditions - Dancing, Singing, Instruments and Crafting, including the MODERN CRAFTING Supra - Georgian table with Tamada, SUPRA SONGS, WINE CULTURE, DISHES, and Toasts Historical monuments - Up to 200 historical monuments within and outside the borders of the present-day Georgia. 29 of them having DETAILED DESCRIPTION, architectural plans and numerous high resolution slides (views, FRESCOS, MONUMENTAL CARVINGS) Tbilisi - Old Tbilisi SLIDESHOW; Tbilisi SONGS; Tbilisi PAINTERS; Traditions Tbilisi POETS and Industry Leading Companies on the MAP OF Dancing Singing TBILISI Instruments crafting Slideshow - NUMEROUS slides in 10 different categories Miscellaneous - Maps, Voice Alphabet, Currency, The Georgians, Symbols Min. Sys. Requirements Computer: PIII 500 or better; Memory: 128 Mb or more; Video: 1024x768 necessary; HD Space: 10Mb; CD Rom: 8x or faster (24 or more recommended); Operating System: Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP The product is copyrighted and licensed to NeoMedia Ltd. All rights reserved. Digital Publishing Company "NeoMedia" Ltd 16, Abashidze street, 380079 Tbilisi Georgia; Tel: +99532 920162; Fax: +99532 222347; E-mail: